Aligning with CandidPro™: a forward-thinking orthodontic system

Dr. Lynn Hurst describes CandidPro and its new focus and emphasis on partnering with clinicians.

Dr. Lynn Hurst explains the benefits of this affordable and accessible orthodontic system

Achieving a healthy smile that patients can be proud of — whether in terms of functional, clinical, or cosmetic correction — ideally should have as many barriers removed as possible. Yet approximately 75% of Americans could still benefit from orthodontic treatment.1

Figure 1: Current U.S. population that could benefit from orthodontic treatment

Compounding this imbalance, the U.S. orthodontic market is forecast to continue growing at a compound annual growth rate of 16.4% to an astonishing $6.17 billion by 2028, tripling the size of the current market.2

Manufacturers continue to innovate, bringing new solutions to address contemporary orthodontic challenges. In recent years, two major forces driving change have been reducing treatment time and improving comfort, with major strides having been made on both fronts. However, nothing has remotely approached the impact of direct-to-consumer (DTC) orthodontics. Scarcely more than a water-cooler topic a few years ago, as of 2020, DTC orthodontics has captured 32.2% of the U.S. market.3

This seismic shift in treatment delivery is being driven by a multitude of factors, but two have been identified as predominant. A recent study published in the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (AJODO) identified consumers today as being influenced by cost and convenience more so than any other factors, including perceived quality of care.3

Figure 2: CandidMonitoring™ devic

This unmet and growing demand for orthodontic treatment, coupled with expectations of convenience and low cost, signals a need for a new and innovative approach to efficiently correct malocclusions while maintaining high clinical standards.

Coordinating versus competing

In 2017, Candid launched as a DTC aligner manufacturer with a mission to improve access and affordability to specialist-driven orthodontic care. All treatment plans were designed by orthodontic specialists and guided by CandidRx™, a patent-pending treatment philosophy built over a 30-year period on the concepts of Damon, McLaughlin, Bennet, Trevisi, and Tweed. This prescription is minimally invasive in nature with a focus on advanced biomechanics as opposed to attachments and an expansive full-arch technique over interproximal reduction (IPR).

Consumer expectations regarding convenience and cost were achieved through incorporating, at no extra charge, CandidMonitoring™ remote telehealth service and hardware. The business model was remarkably successful, with revenues steadily increasing. Naturally, as a technology-based company, all things were measured, studied, and improved upon. Business intelligence and market surveys revealed that while cost and convenience were king, another major influence was impacting treatment acceptance — patients’ strong desire for a local provider to be involved with their treatment.

Figure 3: Candid — a brand built on trust and quality

In late 2020, CandidPro™ launched as a division of its parent company building upon the affordable, accessible, remote oversight to include direct and local clinical supervision. This new model put an emphasis on partnering with doctors versus competing with them. With a brand name that was trusted, thousands of 5-star reviews and the No. 1-rated teledentistry app in the app store, uptake was quick.4 Today’s post-COVID-19 clinician evidently needed no convincing regarding the power and freedom that virtual consults provide.

Fast-forward 12 months, and CandidPro had surpassed all projections and stretch-goals. In fact, CandidPro has grown 10 times in both case volume and revenue since Q3 of 2021.5 This has ultimately culminated in the recent January 2022 announcement that Candid is shutting down its DTC aligner business to focus strictly on the rapid growth of its professional CandidPro product.5

The technology

CandidPro is designed from the ground up based on clinical efficiency. Simple-to-use, automated technology eliminates many of the pitfalls responsible for the unnecessary visits, refinements, and extended treatment times common with legacy aligner systems. Finishing a case in as few as two office visits has now become an achievable reality.

Carbon L1 commercial large format printers yield hyper-accurate 3D-molds surpassing benchmarks for orthodontic standards up to 600%.6,7 The aligner material used is next-generation Zendura™ FLX tri-layer polyurethane. The advanced properties of this newer polymer are a natural fit for teledentistry applications in three ways. First, the outer layer of the CandidPro aligner is designed for stain resistance, leading to improved esthetics and compliance in the event of an extended aligner wear interval.8 Second, initial force levels are 40% lower than other aligner materials leading to improved comfort and again maximizing compliance in the days surrounding aligner changes.8 Third, the real magic comes days later, evidenced by significantly greater retained force levels helping to fully express prescribed movements.8

Figure 4: CandidApp

Ironically, refinements and extra visits can actually be caused by a patient’s strict adherence to their prescribed treatment plan. Consider a patient instructed to advance aligners at a fixed but arbitrary interval, such as every 7 days, 10 days, or 14 days. This is common practice, yet it does not factor in many other critical variables. Medications, age, bone metabolism, and type of movement are just some of the variables known to affect aligner tracking. Fortunately, CandidMonitoring allows you to instruct patients to advance aligners only after adequate tracking with the treatment plan has been confirmed, rather than according to a rigid schedule that doesn’t adapt to biological and behavioral variables.9 Clinicians are able to enjoy visibility of treatment progress at every aligner stage, offering unprecedented oversight into compliance, tracking, and hygiene.

The process

CandidPro’s simplicity and customizable nature lead to increased same-day starts. Patients begin treatment with a simple consultation on their malocclusion. If the patient elects to proceed with treatment, records are taken. This involves collecting basic contact info, medical/dental history, the ABO-recommended eight photo array, as well as an X-ray and intraoral digital scan.

Figure 5 (left): Aligner kit shipped to office or patient’s home; Figure 6 (right): CandidPro™ system

It is worth noting that while digital scans are preferred, and all scanners are accepted, CandidPro is compatible with PVS impressions. Once all records have been taken, the case is submitted through the doctor portal. Treatment plans are developed under orthodontic supervision and the clinical framework of the CandidRx™, and then returned to the doctor of record to request any modifications or to approve.

Once the treatment plan is approved, clinicians can elect to have the aligners shipped to their office or go directly to the patient’s home, thereby eliminating even the insertion appointment. Everything is provided for the patient to begin treatment entirely remotely, and the doctor of record will be notified when his/her patient’s first scan is submitted.

Practice building

This new tele-orthodontic treatment option is an exciting way to add a clear aligner service to an existing practice without requiring the purchase of any new equipment or expensive training. For those already offering clear aligner therapy, the transition to CandidPro requires little to no staff training to get started. Becoming a CandidPro partner comes with many perks.  You will be assigned a dedicated account manager to help you identify opportunities in your practice to engage more patients while improving your case presentation and case acceptance rates. A practice immersion is scheduled over a 2-day period to observe, collaboratively design, and deliver an individual practice blueprint for success. Turnkey marketing support is included to help share the message internally within your practice as well as externally with a portfolio of assets designed for email, web, social media, and print marketing. The CandidPro doctor locator helps patients identify practices near them that have incorporated this new convenience-focused technology.

Benefits for every organization

CandidPro represents a potentially game-changing opportunity for orthodontists who may not have embraced aligner therapy in its earlier days and feel too far behind to catch up. Orthodontists currently offering modalities and auxiliaries with premium lab fees based on advanced case complexity may consider CandidPro clear aligners to save time or expense on their routine cases. This could allow more time for collaboration and planning on their most complex cases. Prosthodontists can lean into CandidPro’s orthodontic specialist oversight while designing their patients’ complex multidisciplinary treatments.

DSOs are finding that the CandidPro model delivers a host of tangible benefits. One of the hallmark strengths of a DSO is its ability to quickly pivot administrative and clinical support across its distributed network of locations. For the orthodontic patient, this has the potential to occasionally manifest as conflicting instructions or information received at aligner checks. CandidPro addresses this issue in the following three ways:

  1. Treatment planning is standardized, centralized, and performed by state-licensed orthodontic specialists.
  2. Aligner checks are performed remotely.
  3. Communications are delivered with consistent instructions and an established escalation framework through the CandidApp.

Together, these features drive consistency, predictability, and clinical continuity of care.

Regardless of practice model, providers of orthodontic treatment are motivated to maximize patient compliance with treatment instructions. Therefore, some providers may be concerned that remote treatment monitoring may decrease their oversight of oral hygiene and appliance wear, particularly with removable appliances. Interestingly, oral hygiene, compliance with instruction, and clinical performance have each been shown to improve among patients utilizing modern app and AI-based telehealth technologies.10-13 In addition to reducing office visits, remote patient management technology has proven to truncate orthodontic treatment time as well.14 Whether operating as a solo practitioner or enterprise DSO, and whether considering business efficiencies or clinical standards, this model offers benefits for all.

The future is now

Generation Z is in treatment with Gen Alpha gearing up to enter phase I now. With a projected threefold increase in the U.S. orthodontic market by 2028, there is no better time than now to familiarize with some of the latest technological advances in orthodontic treatment. The majority of today’s orthodontic patients were born with a smartphone in the room. Their first photo was likely digitally shared and remotely viewed within seconds of birth. They expect convenience and demand value. They prioritize experience-related purchases that allow them to feel more socially connected.  The team at CANDID has assembled a suite of intuitive technology that delivers what consumers want and practitioners need — time freedom and a better experience. The future of orthodontics is now.

To find out more click here

QR Candid Website

Dr. Lynn Hurst explains the benefits of this affordable and accessible orthodontic system

Achieving a healthy smile that patients can be proud of — whether in terms of functional, clinical, or cosmetic correction — ideally should have as many barriers removed as possible. Yet approximately 75% of Americans could still benefit from orthodontic treatment.1

Figure 1: Current U.S. population that could benefit from orthodontic treatment

Compounding this imbalance, the U.S. orthodontic market is forecast to continue growing at a compound annual growth rate of 16.4% to an astonishing $6.17 billion by 2028, tripling the size of the current market.2

Manufacturers continue to innovate, bringing new solutions to address contemporary orthodontic challenges. In recent years, two major forces driving change have been reducing treatment time and improving comfort, with major strides having been made on both fronts. However, nothing has remotely approached the impact of direct-to-consumer (DTC) orthodontics. Scarcely more than a water-cooler topic a few years ago, as of 2020, DTC orthodontics has captured 32.2% of the U.S. market.3

This seismic shift in treatment delivery is being driven by a multitude of factors, but two have been identified as predominant. A recent study published in the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (AJODO) identified consumers today as being influenced by cost and convenience more so than any other factors, including perceived quality of care.3

Figure 2: CandidMonitoring™ devic

This unmet and growing demand for orthodontic treatment, coupled with expectations of convenience and low cost, signals a need for a new and innovative approach to efficiently correct malocclusions while maintaining high clinical standards.

Coordinating versus competing

In 2017, Candid launched as a DTC aligner manufacturer with a mission to improve access and affordability to specialist-driven orthodontic care. All treatment plans were designed by orthodontic specialists and guided by CandidRx™, a patent-pending treatment philosophy built over a 30-year period on the concepts of Damon, McLaughlin, Bennet, Trevisi, and Tweed. This prescription is minimally invasive in nature with a focus on advanced biomechanics as opposed to attachments and an expansive full-arch technique over interproximal reduction (IPR).

Consumer expectations regarding convenience and cost were achieved through incorporating, at no extra charge, CandidMonitoring™ remote telehealth service and hardware. The business model was remarkably successful, with revenues steadily increasing. Naturally, as a technology-based company, all things were measured, studied, and improved upon. Business intelligence and market surveys revealed that while cost and convenience were king, another major influence was impacting treatment acceptance — patients’ strong desire for a local provider to be involved with their treatment.

Figure 3: Candid — a brand built on trust and quality

In late 2020, CandidPro™ launched as a division of its parent company building upon the affordable, accessible, remote oversight to include direct and local clinical supervision. This new model put an emphasis on partnering with doctors versus competing with them. With a brand name that was trusted, thousands of 5-star reviews and the No. 1-rated teledentistry app in the app store, uptake was quick.4 Today’s post-COVID-19 clinician evidently needed no convincing regarding the power and freedom that virtual consults provide.

Fast-forward 12 months, and CandidPro had surpassed all projections and stretch-goals. In fact, CandidPro has grown 10 times in both case volume and revenue since Q3 of 2021.5 This has ultimately culminated in the recent January 2022 announcement that Candid is shutting down its DTC aligner business to focus strictly on the rapid growth of its professional CandidPro product.5

The technology

CandidPro is designed from the ground up based on clinical efficiency. Simple-to-use, automated technology eliminates many of the pitfalls responsible for the unnecessary visits, refinements, and extended treatment times common with legacy aligner systems. Finishing a case in as few as two office visits has now become an achievable reality.

Carbon L1 commercial large format printers yield hyper-accurate 3D-molds surpassing benchmarks for orthodontic standards up to 600%.6,7 The aligner material used is next-generation Zendura™ FLX tri-layer polyurethane. The advanced properties of this newer polymer are a natural fit for teledentistry applications in three ways. First, the outer layer of the CandidPro aligner is designed for stain resistance, leading to improved esthetics and compliance in the event of an extended aligner wear interval.8 Second, initial force levels are 40% lower than other aligner materials leading to improved comfort and again maximizing compliance in the days surrounding aligner changes.8 Third, the real magic comes days later, evidenced by significantly greater retained force levels helping to fully express prescribed movements.8

Figure 4: CandidApp

Ironically, refinements and extra visits can actually be caused by a patient’s strict adherence to their prescribed treatment plan. Consider a patient instructed to advance aligners at a fixed but arbitrary interval, such as every 7 days, 10 days, or 14 days. This is common practice, yet it does not factor in many other critical variables. Medications, age, bone metabolism, and type of movement are just some of the variables known to affect aligner tracking. Fortunately, CandidMonitoring allows you to instruct patients to advance aligners only after adequate tracking with the treatment plan has been confirmed, rather than according to a rigid schedule that doesn’t adapt to biological and behavioral variables.9 Clinicians are able to enjoy visibility of treatment progress at every aligner stage, offering unprecedented oversight into compliance, tracking, and hygiene.

The process

CandidPro’s simplicity and customizable nature lead to increased same-day starts. Patients begin treatment with a simple consultation on their malocclusion. If the patient elects to proceed with treatment, records are taken. This involves collecting basic contact info, medical/dental history, the ABO-recommended eight photo array, as well as an X-ray and intraoral digital scan.

Figure 5 (left): Aligner kit shipped to office or patient’s home; Figure 6 (right): CandidPro™ system

It is worth noting that while digital scans are preferred, and all scanners are accepted, CandidPro is compatible with PVS impressions. Once all records have been taken, the case is submitted through the doctor portal. Treatment plans are developed under orthodontic supervision and the clinical framework of the CandidRx™, and then returned to the doctor of record to request any modifications or to approve.

Once the treatment plan is approved, clinicians can elect to have the aligners shipped to their office or go directly to the patient’s home, thereby eliminating even the insertion appointment. Everything is provided for the patient to begin treatment entirely remotely, and the doctor of record will be notified when his/her patient’s first scan is submitted.

Practice building

This new tele-orthodontic treatment option is an exciting way to add a clear aligner service to an existing practice without requiring the purchase of any new equipment or expensive training. For those already offering clear aligner therapy, the transition to CandidPro requires little to no staff training to get started. Becoming a CandidPro partner comes with many perks.  You will be assigned a dedicated account manager to help you identify opportunities in your practice to engage more patients while improving your case presentation and case acceptance rates. A practice immersion is scheduled over a 2-day period to observe, collaboratively design, and deliver an individual practice blueprint for success. Turnkey marketing support is included to help share the message internally within your practice as well as externally with a portfolio of assets designed for email, web, social media, and print marketing. The CandidPro doctor locator helps patients identify practices near them that have incorporated this new convenience-focused technology.

Benefits for every organization

CandidPro represents a potentially game-changing opportunity for orthodontists who may not have embraced aligner therapy in its earlier days and feel too far behind to catch up. Orthodontists currently offering modalities and auxiliaries with premium lab fees based on advanced case complexity may consider CandidPro clear aligners to save time or expense on their routine cases. This could allow more time for collaboration and planning on their most complex cases. Prosthodontists can lean into CandidPro’s orthodontic specialist oversight while designing their patients’ complex multidisciplinary treatments.

DSOs are finding that the CandidPro model delivers a host of tangible benefits. One of the hallmark strengths of a DSO is its ability to quickly pivot administrative and clinical support across its distributed network of locations. For the orthodontic patient, this has the potential to occasionally manifest as conflicting instructions or information received at aligner checks. CandidPro addresses this issue in the following three ways:

  1. Treatment planning is standardized, centralized, and performed by state-licensed orthodontic specialists.
  2. Aligner checks are performed remotely.
  3. Communications are delivered with consistent instructions and an established escalation framework through the CandidApp.

Together, these features drive consistency, predictability, and clinical continuity of care.

Regardless of practice model, providers of orthodontic treatment are motivated to maximize patient compliance with treatment instructions. Therefore, some providers may be concerned that remote treatment monitoring may decrease their oversight of oral hygiene and appliance wear, particularly with removable appliances. Interestingly, oral hygiene, compliance with instruction, and clinical performance have each been shown to improve among patients utilizing modern app and AI-based telehealth technologies.10-13 In addition to reducing office visits, remote patient management technology has proven to truncate orthodontic treatment time as well.14 Whether operating as a solo practitioner or enterprise DSO, and whether considering business efficiencies or clinical standards, this model offers benefits for all.

The future is now

Generation Z is in treatment with Gen Alpha gearing up to enter phase I now. With a projected threefold increase in the U.S. orthodontic market by 2028, there is no better time than now to familiarize with some of the latest technological advances in orthodontic treatment. The majority of today’s orthodontic patients were born with a smartphone in the room. Their first photo was likely digitally shared and remotely viewed within seconds of birth. They expect convenience and demand value. They prioritize experience-related purchases that allow them to feel more socially connected.  The team at CANDID has assembled a suite of intuitive technology that delivers what consumers want and practitioners need — time freedom and a better experience. The future of orthodontics is now.

To find out more click here

QR Candid Website

Dr. Lynn Hurst explains the benefits of this affordable and accessible orthodontic system

Achieving a healthy smile that patients can be proud of — whether in terms of functional, clinical, or cosmetic correction — ideally should have as many barriers removed as possible. Yet approximately 75% of Americans could still benefit from orthodontic treatment.1

Figure 1: Current U.S. population that could benefit from orthodontic treatment

Compounding this imbalance, the U.S. orthodontic market is forecast to continue growing at a compound annual growth rate of 16.4% to an astonishing $6.17 billion by 2028, tripling the size of the current market.2

Manufacturers continue to innovate, bringing new solutions to address contemporary orthodontic challenges. In recent years, two major forces driving change have been reducing treatment time and improving comfort, with major strides having been made on both fronts. However, nothing has remotely approached the impact of direct-to-consumer (DTC) orthodontics. Scarcely more than a water-cooler topic a few years ago, as of 2020, DTC orthodontics has captured 32.2% of the U.S. market.3

This seismic shift in treatment delivery is being driven by a multitude of factors, but two have been identified as predominant. A recent study published in the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (AJODO) identified consumers today as being influenced by cost and convenience more so than any other factors, including perceived quality of care.3

Figure 2: CandidMonitoring™ devic

This unmet and growing demand for orthodontic treatment, coupled with expectations of convenience and low cost, signals a need for a new and innovative approach to efficiently correct malocclusions while maintaining high clinical standards.

Coordinating versus competing

In 2017, Candid launched as a DTC aligner manufacturer with a mission to improve access and affordability to specialist-driven orthodontic care. All treatment plans were designed by orthodontic specialists and guided by CandidRx™, a patent-pending treatment philosophy built over a 30-year period on the concepts of Damon, McLaughlin, Bennet, Trevisi, and Tweed. This prescription is minimally invasive in nature with a focus on advanced biomechanics as opposed to attachments and an expansive full-arch technique over interproximal reduction (IPR).

Consumer expectations regarding convenience and cost were achieved through incorporating, at no extra charge, CandidMonitoring™ remote telehealth service and hardware. The business model was remarkably successful, with revenues steadily increasing. Naturally, as a technology-based company, all things were measured, studied, and improved upon. Business intelligence and market surveys revealed that while cost and convenience were king, another major influence was impacting treatment acceptance — patients’ strong desire for a local provider to be involved with their treatment.

Figure 3: Candid — a brand built on trust and quality

In late 2020, CandidPro™ launched as a division of its parent company building upon the affordable, accessible, remote oversight to include direct and local clinical supervision. This new model put an emphasis on partnering with doctors versus competing with them. With a brand name that was trusted, thousands of 5-star reviews and the No. 1-rated teledentistry app in the app store, uptake was quick.4 Today’s post-COVID-19 clinician evidently needed no convincing regarding the power and freedom that virtual consults provide.

Fast-forward 12 months, and CandidPro had surpassed all projections and stretch-goals. In fact, CandidPro has grown 10 times in both case volume and revenue since Q3 of 2021.5 This has ultimately culminated in the recent January 2022 announcement that Candid is shutting down its DTC aligner business to focus strictly on the rapid growth of its professional CandidPro product.5

The technology

CandidPro is designed from the ground up based on clinical efficiency. Simple-to-use, automated technology eliminates many of the pitfalls responsible for the unnecessary visits, refinements, and extended treatment times common with legacy aligner systems. Finishing a case in as few as two office visits has now become an achievable reality.

Carbon L1 commercial large format printers yield hyper-accurate 3D-molds surpassing benchmarks for orthodontic standards up to 600%.6,7 The aligner material used is next-generation Zendura™ FLX tri-layer polyurethane. The advanced properties of this newer polymer are a natural fit for teledentistry applications in three ways. First, the outer layer of the CandidPro aligner is designed for stain resistance, leading to improved esthetics and compliance in the event of an extended aligner wear interval.8 Second, initial force levels are 40% lower than other aligner materials leading to improved comfort and again maximizing compliance in the days surrounding aligner changes.8 Third, the real magic comes days later, evidenced by significantly greater retained force levels helping to fully express prescribed movements.8

Figure 4: CandidApp

Ironically, refinements and extra visits can actually be caused by a patient’s strict adherence to their prescribed treatment plan. Consider a patient instructed to advance aligners at a fixed but arbitrary interval, such as every 7 days, 10 days, or 14 days. This is common practice, yet it does not factor in many other critical variables. Medications, age, bone metabolism, and type of movement are just some of the variables known to affect aligner tracking. Fortunately, CandidMonitoring allows you to instruct patients to advance aligners only after adequate tracking with the treatment plan has been confirmed, rather than according to a rigid schedule that doesn’t adapt to biological and behavioral variables.9 Clinicians are able to enjoy visibility of treatment progress at every aligner stage, offering unprecedented oversight into compliance, tracking, and hygiene.

The process

CandidPro’s simplicity and customizable nature lead to increased same-day starts. Patients begin treatment with a simple consultation on their malocclusion. If the patient elects to proceed with treatment, records are taken. This involves collecting basic contact info, medical/dental history, the ABO-recommended eight photo array, as well as an X-ray and intraoral digital scan.

Figure 5 (left): Aligner kit shipped to office or patient’s home; Figure 6 (right): CandidPro™ system

It is worth noting that while digital scans are preferred, and all scanners are accepted, CandidPro is compatible with PVS impressions. Once all records have been taken, the case is submitted through the doctor portal. Treatment plans are developed under orthodontic supervision and the clinical framework of the CandidRx™, and then returned to the doctor of record to request any modifications or to approve.

Once the treatment plan is approved, clinicians can elect to have the aligners shipped to their office or go directly to the patient’s home, thereby eliminating even the insertion appointment. Everything is provided for the patient to begin treatment entirely remotely, and the doctor of record will be notified when his/her patient’s first scan is submitted.

Practice building

This new tele-orthodontic treatment option is an exciting way to add a clear aligner service to an existing practice without requiring the purchase of any new equipment or expensive training. For those already offering clear aligner therapy, the transition to CandidPro requires little to no staff training to get started. Becoming a CandidPro partner comes with many perks.  You will be assigned a dedicated account manager to help you identify opportunities in your practice to engage more patients while improving your case presentation and case acceptance rates. A practice immersion is scheduled over a 2-day period to observe, collaboratively design, and deliver an individual practice blueprint for success. Turnkey marketing support is included to help share the message internally within your practice as well as externally with a portfolio of assets designed for email, web, social media, and print marketing. The CandidPro doctor locator helps patients identify practices near them that have incorporated this new convenience-focused technology.

Benefits for every organization

CandidPro represents a potentially game-changing opportunity for orthodontists who may not have embraced aligner therapy in its earlier days and feel too far behind to catch up. Orthodontists currently offering modalities and auxiliaries with premium lab fees based on advanced case complexity may consider CandidPro clear aligners to save time or expense on their routine cases. This could allow more time for collaboration and planning on their most complex cases. Prosthodontists can lean into CandidPro’s orthodontic specialist oversight while designing their patients’ complex multidisciplinary treatments.

DSOs are finding that the CandidPro model delivers a host of tangible benefits. One of the hallmark strengths of a DSO is its ability to quickly pivot administrative and clinical support across its distributed network of locations. For the orthodontic patient, this has the potential to occasionally manifest as conflicting instructions or information received at aligner checks. CandidPro addresses this issue in the following three ways:

  1. Treatment planning is standardized, centralized, and performed by state-licensed orthodontic specialists.
  2. Aligner checks are performed remotely.
  3. Communications are delivered with consistent instructions and an established escalation framework through the CandidApp.

Together, these features drive consistency, predictability, and clinical continuity of care.

Regardless of practice model, providers of orthodontic treatment are motivated to maximize patient compliance with treatment instructions. Therefore, some providers may be concerned that remote treatment monitoring may decrease their oversight of oral hygiene and appliance wear, particularly with removable appliances. Interestingly, oral hygiene, compliance with instruction, and clinical performance have each been shown to improve among patients utilizing modern app and AI-based telehealth technologies.10-13 In addition to reducing office visits, remote patient management technology has proven to truncate orthodontic treatment time as well.14 Whether operating as a solo practitioner or enterprise DSO, and whether considering business efficiencies or clinical standards, this model offers benefits for all.

The future is now

Generation Z is in treatment with Gen Alpha gearing up to enter phase I now. With a projected threefold increase in the U.S. orthodontic market by 2028, there is no better time than now to familiarize with some of the latest technological advances in orthodontic treatment. The majority of today’s orthodontic patients were born with a smartphone in the room. Their first photo was likely digitally shared and remotely viewed within seconds of birth. They expect convenience and demand value. They prioritize experience-related purchases that allow them to feel more socially connected.  The team at CANDID has assembled a suite of intuitive technology that delivers what consumers want and practitioners need — time freedom and a better experience. The future of orthodontics is now.

To find out more click here

QR Candid Website

Dr. Lynn Hurst explains the benefits of this affordable and accessible orthodontic system

Achieving a healthy smile that patients can be proud of — whether in terms of functional, clinical, or cosmetic correction — ideally should have as many barriers removed as possible. Yet approximately 75% of Americans could still benefit from orthodontic treatment.1

Figure 1: Current U.S. population that could benefit from orthodontic treatment

Compounding this imbalance, the U.S. orthodontic market is forecast to continue growing at a compound annual growth rate of 16.4% to an astonishing $6.17 billion by 2028, tripling the size of the current market.2

Manufacturers continue to innovate, bringing new solutions to address contemporary orthodontic challenges. In recent years, two major forces driving change have been reducing treatment time and improving comfort, with major strides having been made on both fronts. However, nothing has remotely approached the impact of direct-to-consumer (DTC) orthodontics. Scarcely more than a water-cooler topic a few years ago, as of 2020, DTC orthodontics has captured 32.2% of the U.S. market.3

This seismic shift in treatment delivery is being driven by a multitude of factors, but two have been identified as predominant. A recent study published in the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (AJODO) identified consumers today as being influenced by cost and convenience more so than any other factors, including perceived quality of care.3

Figure 2: CandidMonitoring™ devic

This unmet and growing demand for orthodontic treatment, coupled with expectations of convenience and low cost, signals a need for a new and innovative approach to efficiently correct malocclusions while maintaining high clinical standards.

Coordinating versus competing

In 2017, Candid launched as a DTC aligner manufacturer with a mission to improve access and affordability to specialist-driven orthodontic care. All treatment plans were designed by orthodontic specialists and guided by CandidRx™, a patent-pending treatment philosophy built over a 30-year period on the concepts of Damon, McLaughlin, Bennet, Trevisi, and Tweed. This prescription is minimally invasive in nature with a focus on advanced biomechanics as opposed to attachments and an expansive full-arch technique over interproximal reduction (IPR).

Consumer expectations regarding convenience and cost were achieved through incorporating, at no extra charge, CandidMonitoring™ remote telehealth service and hardware. The business model was remarkably successful, with revenues steadily increasing. Naturally, as a technology-based company, all things were measured, studied, and improved upon. Business intelligence and market surveys revealed that while cost and convenience were king, another major influence was impacting treatment acceptance — patients’ strong desire for a local provider to be involved with their treatment.

Figure 3: Candid — a brand built on trust and quality

In late 2020, CandidPro™ launched as a division of its parent company building upon the affordable, accessible, remote oversight to include direct and local clinical supervision. This new model put an emphasis on partnering with doctors versus competing with them. With a brand name that was trusted, thousands of 5-star reviews and the No. 1-rated teledentistry app in the app store, uptake was quick.4 Today’s post-COVID-19 clinician evidently needed no convincing regarding the power and freedom that virtual consults provide.

Fast-forward 12 months, and CandidPro had surpassed all projections and stretch-goals. In fact, CandidPro has grown 10 times in both case volume and revenue since Q3 of 2021.5 This has ultimately culminated in the recent January 2022 announcement that Candid is shutting down its DTC aligner business to focus strictly on the rapid growth of its professional CandidPro product.5

The technology

CandidPro is designed from the ground up based on clinical efficiency. Simple-to-use, automated technology eliminates many of the pitfalls responsible for the unnecessary visits, refinements, and extended treatment times common with legacy aligner systems. Finishing a case in as few as two office visits has now become an achievable reality.

Carbon L1 commercial large format printers yield hyper-accurate 3D-molds surpassing benchmarks for orthodontic standards up to 600%.6,7 The aligner material used is next-generation Zendura™ FLX tri-layer polyurethane. The advanced properties of this newer polymer are a natural fit for teledentistry applications in three ways. First, the outer layer of the CandidPro aligner is designed for stain resistance, leading to improved esthetics and compliance in the event of an extended aligner wear interval.8 Second, initial force levels are 40% lower than other aligner materials leading to improved comfort and again maximizing compliance in the days surrounding aligner changes.8 Third, the real magic comes days later, evidenced by significantly greater retained force levels helping to fully express prescribed movements.8

Figure 4: CandidApp

Ironically, refinements and extra visits can actually be caused by a patient’s strict adherence to their prescribed treatment plan. Consider a patient instructed to advance aligners at a fixed but arbitrary interval, such as every 7 days, 10 days, or 14 days. This is common practice, yet it does not factor in many other critical variables. Medications, age, bone metabolism, and type of movement are just some of the variables known to affect aligner tracking. Fortunately, CandidMonitoring allows you to instruct patients to advance aligners only after adequate tracking with the treatment plan has been confirmed, rather than according to a rigid schedule that doesn’t adapt to biological and behavioral variables.9 Clinicians are able to enjoy visibility of treatment progress at every aligner stage, offering unprecedented oversight into compliance, tracking, and hygiene.

The process

CandidPro’s simplicity and customizable nature lead to increased same-day starts. Patients begin treatment with a simple consultation on their malocclusion. If the patient elects to proceed with treatment, records are taken. This involves collecting basic contact info, medical/dental history, the ABO-recommended eight photo array, as well as an X-ray and intraoral digital scan.

Figure 5 (left): Aligner kit shipped to office or patient’s home; Figure 6 (right): CandidPro™ system

It is worth noting that while digital scans are preferred, and all scanners are accepted, CandidPro is compatible with PVS impressions. Once all records have been taken, the case is submitted through the doctor portal. Treatment plans are developed under orthodontic supervision and the clinical framework of the CandidRx™, and then returned to the doctor of record to request any modifications or to approve.

Once the treatment plan is approved, clinicians can elect to have the aligners shipped to their office or go directly to the patient’s home, thereby eliminating even the insertion appointment. Everything is provided for the patient to begin treatment entirely remotely, and the doctor of record will be notified when his/her patient’s first scan is submitted.

Practice building

This new tele-orthodontic treatment option is an exciting way to add a clear aligner service to an existing practice without requiring the purchase of any new equipment or expensive training. For those already offering clear aligner therapy, the transition to CandidPro requires little to no staff training to get started. Becoming a CandidPro partner comes with many perks.  You will be assigned a dedicated account manager to help you identify opportunities in your practice to engage more patients while improving your case presentation and case acceptance rates. A practice immersion is scheduled over a 2-day period to observe, collaboratively design, and deliver an individual practice blueprint for success. Turnkey marketing support is included to help share the message internally within your practice as well as externally with a portfolio of assets designed for email, web, social media, and print marketing. The CandidPro doctor locator helps patients identify practices near them that have incorporated this new convenience-focused technology.

Benefits for every organization

CandidPro represents a potentially game-changing opportunity for orthodontists who may not have embraced aligner therapy in its earlier days and feel too far behind to catch up. Orthodontists currently offering modalities and auxiliaries with premium lab fees based on advanced case complexity may consider CandidPro clear aligners to save time or expense on their routine cases. This could allow more time for collaboration and planning on their most complex cases. Prosthodontists can lean into CandidPro’s orthodontic specialist oversight while designing their patients’ complex multidisciplinary treatments.

DSOs are finding that the CandidPro model delivers a host of tangible benefits. One of the hallmark strengths of a DSO is its ability to quickly pivot administrative and clinical support across its distributed network of locations. For the orthodontic patient, this has the potential to occasionally manifest as conflicting instructions or information received at aligner checks. CandidPro addresses this issue in the following three ways:

  1. Treatment planning is standardized, centralized, and performed by state-licensed orthodontic specialists.
  2. Aligner checks are performed remotely.
  3. Communications are delivered with consistent instructions and an established escalation framework through the CandidApp.

Together, these features drive consistency, predictability, and clinical continuity of care.

Regardless of practice model, providers of orthodontic treatment are motivated to maximize patient compliance with treatment instructions. Therefore, some providers may be concerned that remote treatment monitoring may decrease their oversight of oral hygiene and appliance wear, particularly with removable appliances. Interestingly, oral hygiene, compliance with instruction, and clinical performance have each been shown to improve among patients utilizing modern app and AI-based telehealth technologies.10-13 In addition to reducing office visits, remote patient management technology has proven to truncate orthodontic treatment time as well.14 Whether operating as a solo practitioner or enterprise DSO, and whether considering business efficiencies or clinical standards, this model offers benefits for all.

The future is now

Generation Z is in treatment with Gen Alpha gearing up to enter phase I now. With a projected threefold increase in the U.S. orthodontic market by 2028, there is no better time than now to familiarize with some of the latest technological advances in orthodontic treatment. The majority of today’s orthodontic patients were born with a smartphone in the room. Their first photo was likely digitally shared and remotely viewed within seconds of birth. They expect convenience and demand value. They prioritize experience-related purchases that allow them to feel more socially connected.  The team at CANDID has assembled a suite of intuitive technology that delivers what consumers want and practitioners need — time freedom and a better experience. The future of orthodontics is now.

To find out more click here

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