Accelerated Orthodontics with AcceleDent® a Featured Topic at Upcoming AAO

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International orthodontic lecturer, Dr. Sharon Orton-Gibbs, to present at the Doctors Scientific Program during the American Association of Orthodontics 2014 Annual Session

HOUSTON (April 9, 2014) – The leader in accelerated orthodontics, OrthoAccel Technologies, Inc.®,announces seven scientific lectures discussing AcceleDent® technology and treatment will be presented by leading orthodontists during the

American Association of Orthodontists 2014 Annual Session (AAO).  With the AAO placing a greater emphasis on accelerated orthodontics, OrthoAccel anticipates a quantum leap for the orthodontic industry as thousands of clinicians gain greater understanding of why FDA-cleared AcceleDent is the fast, safe and gentle way to accelerate orthodontic treatment.

At the invitation of the AAO, Dr. Sharon Orton-Gibbs, the first orthodontist in the United Kingdom to offer AcceleDent, will present a lecture titled, “Faster Treatment with Micro-vibration: AcceleDent Use in Private Practice,” as part of the association’s Doctors Scientific Program during the annual session. Orton-Gibbs will incorporate case studies and clinical evidence to show orthodontists how she has been able to help patients achieve the smile they want in six to 15 months with AcceleDent.

Held at booth #2405, OrthoAccel’s micro-lecture sessions will be facilitated by six world-class clinicians who will share scientific and clinical evidence supporting AcceleDent to orthodontists interested in incorporating the treatment modality into their practice. Among the presenters are two global orthodontic lecturers, Dr. Dawei Liu, D.D.S., M.S., Ph.D., a Marquette University research director who has received National Institute of Health funding for orthodontic research on pulsating forces and tooth movement, and Dr. S. Jay Bowman, a private practice orthodontist who is a sought after orthodontic researcher, opinion leader and educator.

“As the sole provider of an FDA-cleared device that accelerates orthodontic treatment, we recognize our responsibility to advance the field of accelerated orthodontics by proving that AcceleDent resolves patients primary concern with orthodontics –length of treatment– and by showing doctors how they can grow their practices by incorporating AcceleDent as standard of care,” said Mike Lowe, president and CEO of OrthoAccel.

Doctors, clinician staff and members of the media are all invited to attend the lectures.


Kristin Taylor
Carbonara Group
713-524-8170 (office)
850-524-5395 (cell)


Kris Kelly
OrthoAccel Technologies, Inc.
832-769-8740 (office)
832-244-4815 (cell)


Download the PDF Schedule 

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