Great Lakes’ full line of quality fixed appliances is value-priced for practice profitability and offers maximum versatility and reliability. The brackets offer easy placement, a low profile, secure bonding, and patient comfort. EasyClip+® can be used as fully passive, fully interactive, or a combination of both and features a unique planar NiTi clip that locks securely and will not deform or degrade. BioTru® Classic straight-wire stainless steel brackets have a .080 contoured mesh pad for excellent bond strength, rounded tie wings for patient comfort, and a compound, contour base for easy, accurate placement. BioTru® Ceramic brackets offer a unique combination of esthetics, function, and strength. BioTru® Sapphire brackets are incredibly transparent, will not stain, and are strong and fracture resistant.
For more information, contact Great Lakes at 800-828-7626, and ask to speak with a brackets specialist, or visit our website,
Visit Great Lakes at Booth No. 1305
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